Somebody told me

Book cover

Somebody told me

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Author :   Danny Wallace
Publisher :   Ebury Press
Published :   09/05/2024
ISBN :   9781529931181
Format :   Hardback
Pages :   342
Size (mm) :   240x162x30
Weight (g) :   561

Have you been keeping your eye on your grandma lately? You sure she's not spending too much time on YouTube? Is she talking fondly of dictators? When was the moment the world began to believe anything? Danny Wallace has fallen down the modern rabbit hole... Read more
Have you been keeping your eye on your grandma lately? You sure she's not spending too much time on YouTube? Is she talking fondly of dictators? When was the moment the world began to believe anything? Danny Wallace has fallen down the modern rabbit hole of lies, conspiracies and disinformation. Along the way, he encounters families torn apart by accusations and fake news, journalists putting themselves on the frontline of the disinformation war, reformed conspiracy theorists, influencers who see profit in stoking paranoia, and the shadowy nameless, faceless trolls on the other side of our screens. He discovers how disinformation and well-told lies can ruin a year or a whole life, how they can affect our family, our street, our community. How they can spread across a country, a continent, even the world. And Danny asks: can you do anything to stop it - even with the truth on your side?